
Monday, June 23rd, 2025
1:00pm in the main arena of the Keystone Centre
Grad | Tue, April 8, 12:00: Grad meeting in the library
Tue, April 8, 11:00 – 3:00: SafeGrad committee distributing waivers/tickets in the foyer
Grad | April 9 – 10: Lifetouch Grad Photos (retakes and first-time appointments)
Grad | Wed, April 15:
Wed, April 30:
AP Exams | May 5 – May 16: AP Exams
Grad | Thu, May 15:
English Exams | May 26 – 20: English 40S Exam
Grad | Fri, May 30:
Grad | Tue, June 10, 2:00: Grad meeting in the library
Student Recognition levels posted
Math exams | June 10 – 12: Math 40S Exams
VM exams | June 13: Last day of classes
June 16 – 19: VM Exams
Grad | June 16: last day to edit convocation statement or Student Recognition
June 16 – 20: pick up your grad gown from the main office
June 20: Grad Honour Roll posted
June 23: Massey Grad
Massey Grad 2025 Parent Hand-out.pdf
- Attending the graduation ceremony is optional. Graduates will complete an online form in February, indicating whether or not they want to participate in the graduation ceremony. If a student does not want to participate in the ceremony, they will be able to pick up their diploma from the main office after June 23.
- There will be a graduation fee to help cover the expenses of the graduation ceremony. This fee will be payable online (or by cash) in February. If this fee is an obstacle for you, please speak with Ms. Kowal.
- Graduates will be able to pick up their rented cap and gown from the school in mid-June. This gives a lot of time before the graduation ceremony for photos with family and friends.
- The graduation ceremony will start at 1:00 on Mon, June 23. We expect to be done by 4:00.
- Graduates are asked to arrive at the Keystone Centre by 12:15 (with Honour Roll Grads asked to arrive by 12:00)
- Doors open for guests at 12:00. There is no limit to the number of guests a graduate can invite to attend the graduation ceremony. This is a free event; no tickets required and seating is unassigned. Wheelchair seating is available at the top of Section 5.
- The ceremony will include greetings, presentations of diplomas and awards, and the valedictorian’s speech.
- Immediately following the ceremony, graduates will return their rented purple gown
- An (optional) grand march will occur right after the ceremony. There will not be time to change your outfit. Please plan to wear your grand march outfit to the convocation ceremony. Note: your grand march outfit does not have to be fancy. It doesn’t have to be a traditional suit or a dress. A grad grand march outfit can be an outfit that is special to you.
- The school team is not planning a grad banquet. We encourage you to make celebration plans that suit your family/friends.
- A parent committee will be planning a SafeGrad party.
Grad Coordinator: Erin Kowal
Student Services (transcripts, credits, honour roll)
Phone: 204-729-3960
To opt-in to the grad email list, please complete this form.
Kari Baraniuk
Crocus Plains receives many donations of new and slightly used formal wear. These dresses and suits are free for Brandon School Division grads! You can contact Mrs. Gross ( for more information or to make an appointment to go to Crocus to see what they have and try things on.
Please check your Grade 12 Student Team regularly for scholarship and other post-secondary information and opportunities
- The average for Grad Honour Roll is calculated using six courses. These six courses must include your compulsory grade 12 English and your compulsory grade 12 Math. Then, we include four other 'elective' courses at grade 12 level (courses at grade 12 level are coded with a 4, ie: 40S, 40G, 42S, 41G)
- PE 40F does not have a percentage grade; it cannot count toward Grad Honour Roll.
- It does not matter what year you completed your courses. For example, if you completed Law 40S in your grade 11 year, it can still count toward Grad Honour Roll.
- If you have taken two compulsory Math credits (ie: Pre-Cal 40S and Applied 40S), we will use your better mark as your compulsory Math mark in calculating the average.
- If you have taken two compulsory Math credits, one Math mark will be used as your compulsory math mark and the second Math mark could be used as one of your four elective credits.
- If you have taken more than four courses at grade 12 level, we will use the four courses in which you earned the highest marks.
- AP courses definitely count as 'grade 12 level' elective courses.
- If you have taken two similar courses (ie: Psychology 40S and AP Psychology 42S), both courses can count toward your Honour Roll Average.
- If you do not have a minimum of four 'elective' courses at grade 12 level, you will not be eligible for Grad Honour Roll. Even if all the rest of your marks are super awesome.
- It is an average. This means that it is not required that each course be greater than or equal to 85%. The six courses just need to average to 85% (or higher).
See the VM Registration Guide for full course information or speak with a guidance counsellor.
*Note: Elective course availability subject to demand
Applied Commerce Education: 8 credits from the list below must be completed (including two 30S courses and two 40S courses)
Business Innovations 10S Business Communications 30S
Personal Finance 20S Accounting Systems 40S
Entrepreneurship 20S Economic Principles 40S
Creative Promotions 20S Business Management 40S
Accounting Essentials 30S Retailing Perspectives 30S
Broadcast Media Technology: 8 credits below must be completed.
Intro to Broadcast Media Technology 20S Advanced Multi-Camera Production 40S
Single Camera Production 30S Electronic News Gathering 40S
Multi-camera Production 30S Documentary and Short Film Production 40S
Video Post-Production 30S Applied Broadcast Media Technology 40S
Fine and Performing Arts Certificate: 7 credits within Fine and Performing Arts and/or Graphic Communication Visual Arts must be completed. Students must complete a major, defined by 3 consecutive credits at the Grade 10, 11 and 12 levels in a narrow area of study within the following streams: Instrumental Music, Visual Arts, Dramatic Arts, Choral / Vocal Arts. (Note: this is not part of the VM Student Recognition program)
Human Ecology Certificate: 7 credits in Human Ecology Courses (Clothing, Housing and Design; Food and Nutrition; Family Studies) must be completed. Students must complete a major, defined by 3 consecutive credits at the grade 10, 11 and 12 levels.