Teen Clinic (Prairie Mountain Health)

Please see the message and links to additional information below, sent on behalf of Jenna Furkalo, Public Health Nurse – Healthy Sexuality & Harm Reduction from Prairie Mountain Health.
October will be the start of in school Teen Clinics, I will be staying on the afternoon of each school’s date to provide catch up immunizations.
6th (Thurs) Crocus Plains Regional Secondary School
11th (Tues) Prairie Hope High School
12th (Wed) École secondaire Neelin High School
17th (Mon) Public Health Office
20th (Thurs) Vincent Massey High School
Please see the links below for additional information:
PMH Letter to Parents and Guardians.pdf
PMH School Immunization Consent Form.pdf
Hepatitis B Vaccine (gov.mb.ca)
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Public Health – Factsheet (gov.mb.ca)
Tetanus, Diphtheria and acellular Pertussis (gov.mb.ca)
If your child missed immunizations in Grade 6 or 8 please complete the consent form and return to school by September 29, 2022.
Contact Information:
Jenna Furkalo RN(AP) BN (she/her)
Public Health Nurse – Healthy Sexuality & Harm Reduction
Brandon Public Health Office | Unit A5–800 Rosser Ave | R7A 6N5
Phone: 204-578-2516 | Cell: 204-570-1507 | Fax: 204-578-2824