Check back regularly for updated information!
Attention all EAL and former EAL programmed students. Come and support the brand new EAL Leadership Group and enjoy lunch with us on Wednesday March 26. No need to bring your own lunch we will be providing a tasty meal while you enjoy presenters talking to you about EAL focused topics. Limited spots are available, so sign up with Ms. Scrini in 12B or Mrs. Roque in room 30 today. See you for a great session of lunch and learning on Wednesday March 26th.
SPIRIT WEEK: March 24 - 28
Monday – Students dress as teachers and teachers dress as students.
Tuesday – Mr. K’s Cool Kicks Day. Wear your most fun, coolest looking shoes!
Wednesday – Wacky Wednesday. Wear patterns that don’t match, mismatch your shoes, and/or have crazy hair.
Thursday – Flower Day. Wear spring colours and/or wear a floral pattern.
Friday – Pajama Day. Wear comfy clothing, slippers, etc.
Softball will be in the gym from 4-5:15 on the following days:
Monday, March 24
Wednesday, March 26
Track and Field Sign Up will be in the foyer at lunch on Monday, March 24 and Tuesday, March 25.
Reminder to always lock your lockers!
The school has a scent free policy, no perfumes, no colognes, no scented sprays of any kind. We have people in the building with allergies, please be respectful.
Canteen Specials:
Mon, March 24th- Breakfast Farmers Wrap
Tues, March 25th- Rotini Past with Italian Sausage
Wed, March 26th- Chicken Caesar Wrap
Thurs, March 27th- Fried Rice
Fri, March 28th- Pizza Bagels
Soup of the Week- Thai Chicken