Requirements for Employers
To participate in the HSAP Program, Employers must:
- Provide Worker's Compensation Coverage - the employer is in responsible for providing insurance coverage because HSAP is a paid position. The school and school division do not provide insurance coverage for paid workers. For more information visit
- Provide a workplace safety, hazards, and first aid orientation - the employer is considered the safety supervisor and expert for safety in their area of expertise. The schools and school divisions expect that the employer has a safety program that follows The Manitoba Workplace Safety and Health Act and Regulations.
- Provide safety information and protective gear - the employer should be aware and that young people are often eager to please and have less safety experience than older employees. Schools and school division expect that the employer will provide necessary protective equipment and safety training.
- Complete and sign an HSAP Employer Safety Checklist (provided by the school division). Students also need to complete an HSAP Student Safety Checklist (provided by the school division), and if under 18, get parent/guardian permission. An HSAP educator may visit the work site.
- Pay the HSAP Minimum Wage set by Manitoba Employment Standards. The regulated wage of a High School Apprentice is at least 10% above the Manitoba minimum wage - $15.30 + 10% = $16.83/hour.
- Provide a journeyperson/designated trainer for the apprentice, ensuring the journeyperson/designated ratio is correct. Employers wishing to apprentice need to register an employee of the company to oversee the student-apprentice’s progress. The trainer can be a journeyperson or designated trainer. In Manitoba, an employee with adequate experience (1.5 times the hours of a trade program) and scope of the trade (has experience and knowledge with most (70%) trade activities) can become a registered designated trainer. The HSAP Coordinator or Apprenticeship Manitoba will assist with completing the forms.
- Ensure the student-apprentice receives training in various tasks and that on-the-job expectations are communicated.
- Report hours to Apprenticeship Manitoba.
- Evaluate the student-apprentice in cooperation with the BSD HSAP Coordinator.
Employers are under no obligation to provide student hours to complete credits. An HSAP agreement can be terminated by the employer if the minimum requirements of the business are not being met.
For more information about HSAP contact:
Brent Richards, BSD High School Apprenticeship Coordinator
Phone 204-729-3154 | Email: