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Kindergarten Resources for Parents & Guardians


Entering Kindergarten is an exciting and emotional time for both parent and child. It is also a critical step in the child's education. When children reach Kindergarten their teacher will help them focus on the development of early literacy and numeracy skills, decision-making skills, creativity, communication skills, independence and feelings of self-worth. 

There will be all kinds of interesting and creative activities; from painting to story time, counting, cultural expression, physical education and more, children will be engaged in structured learning for the development of themselves as a student and as a person. 

Each year, an introductory 'A-B-C You in Kindergarten' event is held at every school. Most schools hold their event in May or June and a few schools have their event in September.  Once you have registered your child for Kindergarten, the school will send you an invitation to attend their event. 

In addition to the scheduled events, each registered student will receive a new Kindergarten Learning Bag, which includes general information related to kindergarten programming, activities, and materials to support literacy and numeracy skills.  

Also included in our new Welcome to Kindergarten Learning Bags is a copy of the book “Chicka Chicka Boom Boom”.  

If you have questions regarding your child's registration, please contact your catchment area school, or send us an email:, and one of our staff will get back to you. 

Information & Community Resources:  

Manitoba Child & Youth Programs 

Learning Links (Selected by our Kindergarten Teachers)

Community Contacts

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