HSAP Coordinator Support
Application and Startup – The HSAP coordinator is available to speak or meet with potential employers to explain HSAP and answer questions before an application is submitted to Apprenticeship Mb. They will make sure the potential employer is aware of financial incentives available to support wage and training costs. They will ensure students meet eligibility requirements and will obtain parent/guardian consent if required. They will assist in completing application forms and submit them to Apprenticeship Manitoba.
After an Apprenticeship Application is received, the coordinator will meet with the student and communicate with the parent/guardian to ensure all documentation is completed. They will meet with employer to complete the HSAP Safety Checklists and review tracking of hours and student assessment criteria.
Ongoing Communication – The HSAP coordinator will communicate regularly with school to ensure that academic progress is being maintained. They will also communicate regularly (monthly) with the employer to assess HSAP student progress and address concerns. They will report student progress and credit completion to the school.
At High School Graduation – The Coordinator will communicate with Apprenticeship Manitoba and assist in the transition to post secondary for students who choose to continue their trade.
For more information about HSAP contact:
Brent Richards, BSD High School Apprenticeship Coordinator
Phone 204-729-3154 | Email: richards.brent@bsd.ca