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Financial Incentives for Employers

Financial Incentives are available to help employers with the costs of training young people:  

  • Manitoba Apprenticeship Tax Credit – a tax credit of 25% of the student wage up to a maximum of $5000 per apprentice per year. A high school apprentice that is paid $16.83/hour will be $12.62/hour after the credit is applied. For more information on this and other financial supports, visit Province of Manitoba | aesi - Financial Supports For Apprentices and Employers (

  • Apprenticeship Incentive Program – administered by BNRC, aimed at supporting small and medium sized enterprises (499 employees or less) to hire 1st year apprentices in Red Seal construction and manufacturing trades. A $5000 incentive is available to hire up to two 1st year apprentices with an additional $5000 for hiring individuals from equity-deserving groups to a maximum of $20 000 per fiscal year. For more information, visit: Apprentice Incentive Program – BNRC

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