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HSAP Safety Protocols

Brandon School Division recognizes that young workers may be less familiar with workplace responsibilities, expectations, and safety requirements than older workers.  To prepare students for workplace experiences and to reduce associated risks, the following safety protocols must be in place for all students in cooperation with their employers and the HSAP coordinator:

  • HSAP Parent/Guardian Approval Form – must be completed for all student apprentices under the age of 18.  It provides information about HSAP procedures, Workplace Safety and Health regulations, Worker’s Compensation Board Coverage, and addressing workplace safety concerns.
  • Successful completion of the Young Worker Readiness Certificate Course – this is a free, online course that educates young workers in the topics of behavioral expectations at work, employment standards, workplace safety and health, and freedom from harassment and violence. This is required by all BSD students participating in HSAP.
  • BSD HSAP Business Safety Checklist – to be completed by the employer with the HSAP coordinator to ensure employers are aware of their safety responsibilities with HSAP students. 
  • BSD HSAP Apprentice Safety Checklist – to be completed by the student with the HSAP coordinator to ensure students apprentices are aware of their rights and responsibilities and have received an appropriate workplace orientation.  

With High School Apprenticeship, the employer is considered the safety supervisor and expert for safety in their area of expertise. Schools and school divisions expect that the employer has a safety program that follows The Manitoba Workplace Safety and Health Act and Regulations

Because HSAP apprentices are paid employees, they are not covered by school or school division insurance.  Employers are responsible for providing Workers Compensation insurance coverage. 


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