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Parent Council


Linden Lanes School has an active Parent Council that is very supportive of school events, projects and school goals. Volunteers are welcomed to assist with a variety of programs.  

Parent Council Meetings - Purpose 

* To promote a sense of community within the school by organizing events to bring students and families together. 
* To raise funds for activities or the purchase of items for use by the students of the school. 
* To facilitate communication and understanding between the school and students, parent/guardians.

Parent Council Executive 2023-2024

* Co-chair - Kaleigh Houck
* Co-chair - Wayne Kirk 
* Treasurer - Julie Poole
* Secretary - Niomie Cummings

 We welcome all parents/guardians to attend meetings. Parent Council meetings start at 7PM in the library unless otherwise noted. 

If you require childcare at the meeting please call the school office the Friday prior to the meeting date so Parent Council will have time to arrange childcare. 

Meeting Dates:

For those interested, here is the link to the Manitoba Association of Parent Councils (MAPC) 

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