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The Resource Program provides direct and indirect services and supports to students and classroom teachers, with the goal of enabling all students to be meaningfully included in learning activities.

The Role of the Resource Teacher

To provide specialized assessment, programming and intervention services to students who require support in meeting their academic, physical, social/emotional and behavioral needs. A resource teacher will work consultatively, and/or collaboratively with teachers, parents, students, Student Support Services and outside agencies.

Resource Involvement

  1. Identification - Anyone involved with a student may request assistance. Screening with a variety of tools are used with entire classrooms or small groups.
  2. Assessment - A wide variety of assessment tools are used to assess students.
  3. Referrals - In consultation with the parents and the classroom teacher referrals might be made to divisional supports or outside agencies.
  4. Program Planning and Implementation - This is done in consultation with the classroom teacher. It may include individual education plans, program modifications, or adaptations. It also includes evaluation of progress on a regular basis.
  5. Follow-up - On-going consultation and collaboration occurs between the parents, classroom teacher and resource teacher.


The Resource Teacher's duties generally fall into four areas

  1. AssessmentWhich may include observation, interviews, examination of student records, examination of student work samples, and the implementation of informal / diagnostic / standardized assessment tools.
  2. Consultation and Collaboration: The resource teacher will work in consultation and collaboration with the classroom teacher, parents, divisional supports and outside agency supports. The resource teacher and the classroom teacher will work in consultation in individual education plans, adaptation plans as well with adapting teaching strategies, processes and materials.
  3. Direct Service: Is used to enhance and support classroom instruction for all students including identified at-risk students. This also includes assessment.
  4. Coordinator and Other Duties as Assigned: The following is a list of such duties:
    •  communicates with parents, student services support personnel, outside agencies, teachers, counselors, and administrators
    •  consult and collaborate with classroom teachers and educational assistants
    •  schedule and coordinate team meetings
    •  coordinates educational assistants schedules
    •  coordinate vision and hearing screening
    •  record keeping, reporting
    •  applications for special grants to support students at risk
    •  Unified Referral and Intake System (URIS) applications, coordinate the school's involvement with the URIS

Additional divisional personal give us assistance at Earl Oxford School. The following people can be contacted through the school office.

School Team

    • Principal - Michael Kendzierski
    • Vice-Principal - Curtis Gray
    • Guidance Counselor - Alicia Dedecker
    • Guidance Counselor - Trish Dreolini 
    • Resource Teacher - Laura Wenzel

 Student Support Services Team

    • Psychologist - Barb Jansen
    • Social Worker - Hilary Shurb
    • Speech and Language Pathologist - Rene Snowdon

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