Parent Council
Parent Council Minutes September 2024.pdf
Principal's Report - September 2024.docx
Parent Council Minutes October 2024.pdf
Principal's Report - October 2024.docx
Principal's Report - November 2024.docx
Parent Council Minutes November 2025.pdf
Parent Council Minutes December 2025.pdf
Principal's Report - December 2024.docx
Parent Council Minutes January 2025.pdf
Principal's Report - January 2025.docx
Parent Council Minutes February 2025.pdf
Principal's Report - February 2025.docx

Alexander has a very active parent council, with anywhere from 10 to 15 parents at our monthly meeting. Our goal is to support our staff and students both financially and by volunteering to help out with all school activities. We actively fundraise year round, and have raised enough money over the years to purchase SMART boards, iPads, playground equipment, improved water fountains/fill stations, and much more. We also support artists in the classroom, and pick up costs for school trips, and other activities that enhance the learning experiences of our students. Parent Council has input into the school planning process and decision-making throughout the year. The Parent Council works in partnership with the school and the Brandon School Division to ensure our students receive a quality education.
Brandon School Division currently supports our school Parent Council groups through membership with the Manitoba Association of Parent Councils (MAPC).
Manitoba Association of Parent Councils (MAPC) is a provincial organization designed to support and promote parent involvement within school communities by providing schools with valuable support, skills, and resources, which include:
* A complimentary, electronic copy of the Empowering Parents: A Guide To Addressing Concerns in Manitoba Schools and the MAPC Resource Guide for Manitoba Parent Advisory Councils: Developing Best Practice for Parent Groups in Schools
* Seasonal newsletters and regular E-Bulletins, Facebook page, Pinterest, website
* Professional development presentations and other assistance to help strengthen PACs
* Invitations to special events (e.g. the annual Chairpersons' Breakfasts, parent forums, and annual conference)
* Other supports such as constitution and policy development, enhancing communication skills between parents and administrators, and skill building to run an effective parent council.
Contact Information:
Manitoba Association of Parent Councils
1005-401 York Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 0P8
(204) 956-1770 Toll Free: 1-877-290-4702
Parent Council Minutes September 2024.pdf
Principal's Report - September 2024.docx
Parent Council Minutes October 2024.pdf
Principal's Report - October 2024.docx
Principal's Report - November 2024.docx
Parent Council Minutes November 2025.pdf
Parent Council Minutes December 2025.pdf
Principal's Report - December 2024.docx
Parent Council Minutes January 2025.pdf
Principal's Report - January 2025.docx
Parent Council Minutes February 2025.pdf
Principal's Report - February 2025.docx